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Inheritance in VB.NET


In OOP, Class Inheritance has been one of the most important topics and it has been around since 1967. The idea behind class inheritance is to enable the inheriting (derived) classes use attributes of the base classes. This enables programmers to reuse the code by having derived classes share the functionality of their base classes making maintenance easier.

Below is an example of using Class Inheritance in VB.NET.

Base Class MyRoom
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System
'* Base Class clsMyRoom
Public Class clsMyRoom
    Private intWidth As Integer
    Private intLength As Integer
    ' constructor that takes 2 integers roomWidth and roomLength
    Public Sub New(ByVal rmWidth As Integer, ByVal rmLength As Integer)
        Me.intWidth = rmWidth
        Me.intLength = rmLength
    End Sub
    ' creates my room
    Public Sub CreateItem()
        Console.WriteLine("Creating item {0} units wide and {1} units long.", intWidth, intLength)
    End Sub
End Class
Derived Class MyDesk (inherits MyRoom)
'* Child (derived) Class clsMyDesk
'* Uses the Inherits Keyword
Public Class clsMyDesk : Inherits clsMyRoom
    Private sColor As String
    Private sShape As String
    ' constructor that takes 2 strings (color, shape) and 2 integers (width, length)
    Public Sub New(ByVal dskColor As String, ByVal dskShape As String,_
                   ByVal dskWidth As Integer, ByVal dskLength As Integer)
     ' MyBase invokes the method of the Base Class
        MyBase.New(dskWidth, dskLength)
        Me.sColor = dskColor
        Me.sShape = dskShape
    End Sub
    ' creates my desk
    Public Shadows Sub CreateItem()
        ' MyBase points to clsMyRoom
        Console.WriteLine("Desk will be in {0} color and have a {1} shape.", sColor, sShape)
    End Sub
End Class
Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim myRoom As New clsMyRoom(20, 25)
        Dim myDesk As New clsMyDesk("red", "rectangular", 2, 4)
    End Sub
End Module
Creating item 20 units wide and 25 units long.                ' myRoom.CreateItem()
Creating item 2 units wide and 4 units long.                  ' myDesk.CreateItem()
Desk will be in red color and have a rectangular shape.

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